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 1. Bob DeWaay and Dick Kuffel  The Melchizedek Priesthood: Hebrews 7:5-14  Critical Issues Commentary Radio 
 2. Pastor Art  Melchizedek-A Type of Christ - Hebrews 7  Hebrews 
 3. Gary Sigler  T59-Melchizedek Priest   
 4. Barney Kasdan  The Mystery of Melchizedek  Hebrews 7:1-10 
 5. Bob Deffinbaugh  Melchizedek and Maturity  Near to the Heart of God: A Study of the Book of Hebrews 
 6. David Eells  Coming Into Our Priesthood  www.americaslastdays.com 
 7. Barney Kasdan  Restoring The Priesthood  Ezra 2 
 8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  The Everlasting Priesthood  New Era, May 2008  
 9. Barney Kasdan  The Priesthood of Yeshua  Hebrews 5 
 10. Barney Kasdan  Messiah, A Better Priesthood  Hebrews 8: 
 11. David Eells  Coming Into Our Priesthood PT2  www.americaslastdays.com 
 12. Robert Lloyd  The Priesthood Is a Chain  Pearl Music 
 13. The Church of Jesus Christ of  Priesthood Session  2010 April General Conference 
 14. Elder Dallin H. Oaks  Priesthood Authority in the Fa  2005 October General Conferenc 
 15. Elder Richard G. Scott  Honor the Priesthood and Use It Well  Priesthood Session - 2008 October General Conference - English 
 16. The Church of Jesus Christ of  Priesthood Session  2010 April General Conference 
 17. Barney Kasdan  Restoring The Priesthood  Ezra 2 
 18. Robert Lloyd  The Priesthood Is a Chain  Pearl Music 
 19. The New Life Mission  Only We are the Royal Priesthood   
 20. Doug and Heidi Humphries  Peddling Porn to the Priesthood  Eight Hour Lunch 
 21. Pastor Charles Corno  The Priesthood and the High Priest : Day seven  Pathway to God 
 22. William Webster  Overview of the Sacraments - Priesthood and Baptism  Roman Catholic Tradition 
 23. David E. Sorensen  Priesthood, Agency, and Black Powder  Ensign, September 2007 
 24. The Hands and Feet Podcast  Defending the Faith: The Priesthood Part 1  Defending the Faith: The Priesthood Part 1 
 25. Elder Douglas L Callister  Friend To Friend: Blessed By the Priesthood   
 26. David Strain  Hebrews 13:20   
 27. Bruce O'Neil  Hebrews 7: 1-10  Becoming Righteous 
 28. Bruce O'Neil  Hebrews 11: 32-40  A Better Resurrection 
 29. Bruce O'Neil  Hebrews 12: 1-13  The Amazing Race 
 30. Bruce O'Neil  Hebrews 13: 17-25  The Shepherd Leaders 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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